Students of the 4th year of the Zhambyl Higher Humanitarian College named after Abai in the specialty "Preschool education and training" undergo "Observation and trial" practice on the basis of the kindergarten No. 35 "Er-Tostik" of Taraz city on the dual system of education. The head of the nursery school Tubayeva Gulnar Salievna, as an employer, takes an active part in the analysis of activities conducted by students, together with college
teachers in the qualitative training of future specialists, gives advice to effectively plan organized activities with children, implements the goals and objectives of the educational and educational process in didactic cooperation.
In the course of pedagogical activity, explaining to our students new forms of development of preschool children, learning outcomes, we are once again convinced that social partnership plays an important role in the training of "Educators of a new formation".