"Professional competence of a foreign language teacher is the basis of result-oriented education"
(City workshop)
Nuralieva M. B., Zhensikbaeva Sh. Z., Suranshieva A. S., Tokhabayeva A. A., Abildaeva A. S., Zharkinbek L., Esenbayeva A.M.
22nd November 2023 A city workshop was held at the Zhambyl humanities high college named after Abai to exchange experience in order to improve the professional competence of an English teacher.
During the city workshop, the preface was given to Muratov Nugzar Ibragimovich, head of the department of "Basic secondary education", teacher of the PCC "Foreign language" of Zhambyl humanities high college named after Abai.
An employee of the Department of International Cooperation of the M. H. Dulaty regional university, English teacher Hira Shahbaz (USA) spoke on the topic ”Fulbright International Scholarship Program".
The head of the department "Philology of a foreign language and Translation" of the M. H. Dulaty regional university, PhD, Associate professor of philology of a foreign language Dzholshybekova Kulyandam Zhumagulovna spoke on the topic "IELTS as the world's most popular English test for higher education and global migration".
On the topic " Development of assessment tasks in English " of KSU of Zhambyl district of Zhambyl region " Batyryk secondary school, English teacher, teacher-master Bolysbekova Damira Shayakhmetovna.
On the topic: "Professional development of teachers: modern methods and approaches" under the guidance of senior lecturer of the department "World languages" of the M. H. Dulaty regional university Nurmanalieva Layla Shaimerdenovna.
The topic ”Proactive teacher in education" was presented by senior teacher - librarian of Nazarbayev intellectual school Zhurumbayeva Assel Kuatbekovna. The workshop was conducted by the deputy director of educational and production work of the Zhambyl humanities high c ollege named after Abai Zhaksymbetova Nadira Alzhanovna continued the topic ”The role of pedagogical practice in the professional development of future teachers."
Turn for the word deputy director for educational work of the Zhambyl humanities high college named after Abai, teacher of the PCC "Foreign language"
Nuralieva Maral Bekseytovna was given the word “Formation of flexible professional skills (soft skills, hard skills) taking into account the requirements of employers.”
The workshop on the topic "Essential soft skills for teachers" was completed by the teacher of the PCC " Foreign language " Zhensikbaeva Sharizat Ziyatbekovna, Zhambyl humanities high college named after Abai.