Minister of education and science
2020__________№ ________
appendix to the order
Methodological recommendations on the organization of the activities of the Industrial Council in organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education
Part 1.General rules
1.these methodological recommendations on the organization of the activities of the Industrial Council (IC)in organizations of technical and professional,post-secondary education are developed in order to provide methodological assistance to organizations of technical and professional,post-secondary education in their creation.
2.the methodological recommendation for the organization of IC activities is developed in accordance with subparagraph 25) of Article 5 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated on July 27, 2007 “on education”.
3.the IC is a consultative and advisory body.
Part 2.Procedure for the IR service.
4. the main purpose of IC activities is to provide conditions and recommendations for the relevance,quality and strategic needs of educational programs implemented in technical and professional, post-secondary education organizations
5. main tasks of the IR service:
1)consideration of the content of technical and professional education organizations educational programs to ensure their relevance;
2)assistance in communicating with industry enterprises in the profile of educational organizations in order to expand their participation in the organization of practical classes and employment of graduates:
3)providing information on current trends in the industry,technological changes that require skills that ensure the employment of graduates;
4) on the possibility of implementing new educational programs or providing;
5)formation of proposals for involving enterprises of the relevant industry in the educational process of an educational institution;
6)assistance in awarding scholarships and prizes to students;
7)providing advice to the educational institution on the necessary educational and production equipment in laboratories,workshops and other facilities;
8) assistance to the educational institution in the development of partnership relations with industry enterprises.
6. Main IR functions:
1)ensuring the training of staff for specific technological processes that meet the requirements of enterprises;
2)reduction of the period of adaptation of graduates at the enterprise;
3)achieving a large return on capital invested as a result of its educational efforts in the medium term;
4)reducing the cost of additional training;
5)participation in the development of curricula and programs and reorientation of the educational institution's training program to specific production;
6)assistance in increasing the amount of financing of educational organizations by enterprises;
7)solving the issue of remuneration for the period of industrial training and professional practice;
8) solving the problem of organizing training in specific situations in production (machines,installations, work processes, etc.);
9)ensuring a balance of supply and demand in the labor market;
10) reducing the level of unemployed youth;
11) effective management of the technical and professional educational system and ensuring its quality.
7.the IR arbitrator is elected from among the IR members representing companies and enterprises in the relevant industry.He directs the IR service,plans its work, and exercises general control over the implementation of its decisions.During the absence of the chairman, his functions are performed by a deputy.
8.the IC consists of a representative of the vet organization,its students and graduates,and colsulants who do not have the right to vote.
9.ICs can consist of several committees,each of which advises on individual educational programs.Each committee may consist of 6-12 appointed members who are heads and/or specialists of relevant companies,enterprises,industry and/or professional associations,educational organizations that have experience and knowledge related to a particular professional field corresponding to the program under consideration.
10. the working body of the IC is the support service of the vet organization,which:
1)formulates the agenda of IR meetings;
2) ensures the registration of all IR decisions;
3) coordinates the work between the technical and professional education educational organizations and IR members.
11.the curator is responsible for implementing the recommendations of the meetings of the IR and program committees.
12.the chairman will convene meetings of the Industrial Council and committees and determine the agenda for consultation with the relevant program manager.
13.meetings of committees may be held at least once a year ,with the possibility of meeting as often as required by the chairman or a majority of the committees, the curator or members of the program.
14.the quorum is considered valid if 50% of the voters participate.If the votes are equal, the chairman has a decisive vote.